Saturday, November 6, 2021

Bernd Schattner, November 5, 2021, Agricultural Tax Breaks

AfD Kompakt, November 5, 2021.

The farmers already for 30 years have been very heavily financially burdened by low proceeds for grain and meat. The rising costs for fertilizer and fuel are an additional important cost factor in each yearly balance of the operations. So as to approximately compensate for this financial prejudice, tax breaks [Steurvergünstigungen] for farm diesel and the exemption of farm machinery from the Kfz [motor vehicle] tax are needed and need urgently continue to be maintained. An abolition of these measures would further accelerate the structural transformation and displace foodstuffs production to foreign countries.

On that account, the AfD Bundestag delegation expresses itself as strictly opposed to the demands of the Federal Environmental Office and stands as before at the side of German agriculture.

[trans: tem]




Friday, November 5, 2021

Beatrix von Storch, November 4, 2021, Evangelical Church in Germany

AfD Kompakt, November 4, 2021.

Bedford-Strohm confuses cause and effect if he in fact believes that a lack of “coolness” is the reason for the vanishing members. It is plainly just this desperate attempt to surf the wave of the politically correct Zeitgeist that has alienated the faithful from the Evangelical Church.

Who fraternizes with Fridays for Future, SOS traffickers and other leftist-criminal organizations need not wonder over his own obvious failures. Who feels himself drawn to these substitute religions similarly determines for himself the original. The result of the red-green politicization of the Evangelical Church is an alienation of the faithful from their Church leadership: The core of the faith, the Christian message of the life to come, then primarily takes effect when those affected are far, far removed.

The faithful in the communities feel themselves left in the lurch by Zeitgeist preachers like Bedford-Strohm, for whom their belief in climate change appears more important than that in God.


[trans: tem]

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Tino Chrupalla, November 2, 2021, Asylum Benefits

AfD Kompakt, November 2, 2021.

The Greek criticism of the German migration policy hits a decisive point: In a European comparison, the singularly high German money benefits for asylum applicants are a powerful magnet for migration movements in the direction of the the EU and are conducive to intra-European secondary migration to the Federal Republic.

Besides the compellingly necessary expansion of an effective and long-term defense of the EU’s external borders, this central pull-factor for the present migratory movements to Germany needs to be shut down and thereby the further migration into our already now fully over-burdened social system ended. Beyond that, in the medium-term must be guaranteed that these benefits furnished by the citizens for the asylum applicants are not allowed to remain permanently without a consideration.

The AfD Bundestag delegation therefore demands of the new government a most long overdue, fair approximation of received benefits in regards the remaining EU states. Thus should be supported a calculation as per the principle “benefits in kind before money benefits”. For that, additional incentives in German asylum procedures, as for example over-extended proceedings, labor market access prior to approval and neglected deportations, need to be eliminated. Only so is the migration to Germany in the future to be controlled and effectively limited.


[trans: tem]