Showing posts with label Stephan Protschka. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephan Protschka. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Stephan Protschka, March 30, 2020, Farm Labor

Stephan Protschka
Farm Labor
AfD Kompakt, March 30, 2020

[Stephan Protschka is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Bavaria and is the AfD’s agriculture policy spokesman in the Bundestag.]

Each year some 280,000 seasonal workers and harvest helpers from neighboring European countries bring in the fruit and vegetable harvest in Germany. With the entry stop following the Corona pandemic, this will unfortunately this year not be possible. That is an acute danger for the economic existence of thousands of domestic farmers and for the important supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. The Federal government has failed to grant the entry permits for European harvest helpers and now sets up a job mediation platform to find sufficient domestic harvest help. The Federal government knows that is by far insufficient. Yet it appears to be indifferent to the dramatic consequences.

What is now most important is to do everything  possible to grant the entry permits for the relevant European harvest helpers. With a quarantine solution, that is a risk-free possibility. No farmer understands how refugees are permitted to come to Germany yet there is an entry ban on harvest help. Alongside that, a stimulus must be procured for farmers, domestic labor and the unemployed, as we have already demanded in our our motion (19/18115).

We should also consider during the emergency whether or not it would be possible to have school children from the 10th grade and students help with the harvest. If we do not succeed in allowing the entry of European harvest help, then not only will the existence of thousands of fruit and vegetable farmers be destroyed, we will soon no longer have any fresh fruit and vegetables. That unconditionally must be prevented. I therefore demand decisive action from the Federal government. For that, we have laid the required measures on the table.

[Translated by Todd Martin]