Showing posts with label Oliver Kirchner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Oliver Kirchner. Show all posts

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Oliver Kirchner, March 12, 2021, Restaurant and Retail Trade

Sachsen-Anhalt Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/122, p. 45.

Many thanks, Herr President.

The Linke, in their motion of June 3, 2020, demand that the local special use charges be waived for restaurant and retail trade and that the State refund the charges to the localities – so far, so sensible – at least retroactively for the time in which restaurant and retail trade was compulsorily closed. For us, however, this does not go far enough. For us, this does not affect the core of the problem.

Of the recommendation of the resolution, the following is to be said: In this resolution recommendation is not much left of the the sensible part of the Linke’s demands. The Landtag shall respect and welcome the charges waiver – so far, so imprecise. Of a refund to the localities in the resolution recommendation, there is nothing to be read – even so little as the required refunds of the charges already paid.

Better than to now speak of charge refunds is, for us, to open everything, especially restaurant and retail trade, because in this case the preventive measures are disproportionate and inappropriate. They endanger livelihoods and harm the economy. They thereby drive the people to a state of emergency. The example of restaurants has exactly shown that, given a 0.8% portion of infections incidence and the restaurant trade’s hygiene concepts, it is utterly senseless to close this branch. We want no little decree games which aim at a specific number of persons in a specific number of square meters or shopping times. For us, that is straightaway unacceptable, impractical and bad for business.

A waiver of charges is good. But that the State does not cover this deficiency is bad. We speak, as was said, of the turning of the set screws. In regards these restrictions threatening livelihoods in the restaurant and retail trades – this, for us, is not purposeful.

The motion of the Linke is cosmetic and does not affect the core of the problem. On that account, we say: We need to immediately end this lockdown and better protect the groups at risk and the seniors.

We could have much more money on hand if we did not, by means of the policy conducted here, throw away 4 billion euros each week. The democracy deficit must be eliminated. In regards the decrees, parliamentary government also must again return.

The vaccination obligation must be prevented. Vaccination must remain voluntary. That is what we want. You want to turn the set screws. We want to turn the big wheel. The voters will decide which is the right way.

Many thanks for your attention.


[trans: tem]