Showing posts with label Matthias Moosdorf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Matthias Moosdorf. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Matthias Moosdorf, June 3, 2024, Ukraine Escalation

AfD Kompakt, June 3, 2024. 

It  began with the delivery of steel helmets and today we see where we stand. The future  prospects of the Ukraine and its people are today worse than ever before. The delivery of Western weapons has not prevented the death of hundreds of thousands of young people – just the opposite. The West’s refusal to correct the impossibility of its policy drives Europe ever deeper into the war. Already demanded is the activation of 900,000 German reservists, ever more and wider ranging weapons shall turn the tide. What a pig-headed policy, directed against our interests! It manifests a fateful pauper’s oath. 

In the view of the AfD delegation, the solution lies exclusively in the prioritization of diplomacy. An armistice, a peace settlement under a grant of mutual security guarantees, the revival of the OSCE [Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe] – there is not alternative. Europe’s security is not to be won militarily. The sooner we all understand that, the quicker the bloodletting will end. 


[trans: tem]