Showing posts with label Martin Vincentz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Martin Vincentz. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Martin Vincentz, February 17, 2022, Covid-19 Policy Data

Nordrhein-Westfalen Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 17/162, pp. 45-46.

Right honorable Herr President.Right honorable ladies and gentlemen.

The question of how to well and lastingly protect one who had overcome a Covid-19 illness against re-infection was for long not comprehensively researched so that there were some uncertainties which extended up high in the Federal Ministry for Health. We most recently spoke of that this morning; there had been some disavowals.

Nevertheless, an administrative court in Berlin has stated that the shortening [of the recovered status time period] was not legal and that the RKI [Robert Koch Institute] ought not to decide that, so that now at the beginning of 2022 perhaps again a look at present studies is required so that we as parliament are able to occupy ourselves with this.

The studies meanwhile show a quite different picture than that partially fabricated by the Federal Ministry for Health. According to the newest, those recovered are not only at least just as effectively protected against re-infection as persons adequately vaccinated and boostered, the protection indeed clearly continues even longer. Every subsequent study which is here consulted numbers the time period at a minimum of eight to 13 months.

A shortening of the recovered status can thus be political to the max – for me, motivated by pharmaceutical lobbies, not by science, and urgently needs to be rescinded. On the contrary, an extension to nine months appears in this situation to be honestly sensible.

Without exception, all former Covid-19 patients in a large Swedish study for example subsequently developed anti-spike IgG antibodies. The authors stressed that the protection was independent of the seriousness of a Covid-19 illness and therefore even asymptomatic cases can be protective.

In any case, a few months ago in the U.S.A. a similarly good immune status of recovered nursing staff had been able to be registered. The working group around Professor Dr. Michael Rothberg, geriatrician and internist as well as vice-president of research at the Cleveland Clinic, confirmed not only that a high but before all a long lasting immunity of those recovered – even against Delta, by the way – with an 88.2% against symptomatic infections could in this case be better than a booster.

In a collection of studies from the end of 2021, the protective effect resulting from a recovered status on the risk reduction rate is figured at 80.5% to 100%. Although allowed ten months at that time – so it says in the study – the protection apparently lasts longer. The comparison to the vaccinated besides comes out on the whole more favorably. Persons after double vaccinations, in comparison to those who had overcome an infection, had by a factor of 13.6 a higher risk of suffering a breakthrough infection; and the vaccinated, thus in this case the twice vaccinated, moreover had an increased risk of hospitalization in relation to the recovered.

A study from Qatar has in this regard again indicated that the protective effect against Omicron is very good, moreover with 56%. Compared with this, according to a report from the Imperial College in London, the efficacy of an Astra-Zeneca of Pfizer vaccination against Omicron after two doses is between 0% and 20%, after a booster 55% to 8%, and thus even here the recovered status is not worse, even with the booster.  

It is not least important that recovered children and youth also are at least just as well if not even  better protected from re-infection than recovered adults.

The greater numbers of researchers meanwhile admonish to make epidemiological use of the obviously favorable immune status of the recovered. These people publicly require only later a vaccination which creates time to further prioritize the vulnerable groups, or still that a single vaccination is enough so as to consider these persons as completely protected.

Beyond that, to the recovered is due a freedom of movement status in point of access to public events, to a workplace, in business and in regards travel options which is at least equivalent to that of persons with a corresponding vaccination status, thus even with the booster. We therefore demand of you all clarity in this matter.

Antibody researchers meanwhile may very clearly determine an antibody titer which steadily protects against infections; under 22 binding antibodies per unit, one is not protected, between 22 and 44 indicates an acknowledged gray zone. These can be avoided. Here a safe distance can be maintained. But with at least 50 binding antibodies per unit, a recovered certificate can with security be prescribed. Since these tests are very rapid, they are very propitious. They on the other hand do not have the required labor.

We therefore again demand of you to look into this matter to improve it. The government of course increasingly conducts itself – it needs unfortunately be said – far from science. This can no one in fact seriously want.

We therefore again demand of you to commit yourselves at the Federal level that the minimally prescribed six months, better yet nine months, apply for the recovered and similarly as with many other illnesses – known to you if you work in the medical area, perhaps Hepatitis B or also with other illnesses – that by means of evidence of antibodies, by means of a titer determination, can then a certificate of recovery be obtained, and not just by means of a PCR test which besides has not been suitable, I say to you, as to whether you have in fact overcome an infection and whether you then also are in fact protected against further infection.

I am grateful to you for your attention.


[trans: tem]