German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/23, pp.
Frau President. Right honorable ladies and gentlemen..
Tax revenue and transportation budget: The Greens’ wish from
the 90s that the liter of benzine might cost 5 D-mark has in the meantime been
as good as fulfilled. The liter price is in parts over 2.30 euros, which nearly
comes up to the 5 D-mark. That the massive price increase is only partially
based on international influence like the Ukraine war is indicated by a glance
at our Polish neighbors where diesel and benzine are to be had at clearly lower
prices. The the Polish government relieves its citizens by means of tax
reductions; the tax screws in Germany continue to remain relentlessly
tightened. We demand: An immediate doing away with the CO2 duty,
increase the commuter allowance, down with the nightmare taxes! Fuel must
remain affordable.
Let us come to the Bund’s largest investment budget, the
budget for digital and transportation. “Investment budget” means investments
and that begins already with the problems of your outline, Herr Minister
Wissing. High expenditure remnants are also in this year a reality. Yet
investments on paper only, which are not realized, are only eyewash and bring
zero progress.
Our infrastructure is heavily burdened. Logically, the
maintenance of real capital [Substanzerhaltung]
needs to be in focus. Your own goal for bridges a few weeks ago has shown how
great the expenditures for the reconstruction of infrastructure really are.
Thousands and thousands of decayed bridges speak a clear language. 80 percent
of transport rolls over our roads. This importance and its maintenance needs to
be reflected in the investments and in the budget plan.
Herr Minister. There is also much to be done in regards the
clarification of the Deutsche Bahn’s consultants affair. The Federal Audit Authority
has pointed to the situation and in this connection spoken of care for the
political landscape. Here, to finally make a clean sweep in more than overdue.
Th T The Bahn should be globally positioned – which has led to hundreds of participations worldwide. If one of the large logistics affiliates is for once disregarded: How goes it actually with the other participations? Just a reminder: Since its privatization, the Bahn has heaped up 32 billion euros in debts. What we need is a restoration of the Deutsche Bahn to its core business: Running the railroad in Germany economically and reliably.
Detlef Müller (SPD-Chemnitz): He simply
has no idea!
In ii In digital policy, Germany limps behind by many years. The insufficient availability of broadband for police, Bundeswehr and catastrophe defense are the sad results of this policy. Herr Wissing, it cannot and may not so continue.
Thank you.
[trans: tem]