Showing posts with label Kay-Uwe Ziegler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kay-Uwe Ziegler. Show all posts

Monday, December 20, 2021

Kay-Uwe Ziegler, December 16, 2021, Retail Trade and Vaccination

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/9, pp. 456-457.

Right honorable Frau President. Dear colleagues.

I find it to be crazily characteristic that you have full ranks for the kindergarten theater of your sitting places, yet the business friendly FDP and CDU/CSU parties, when this point in the daily order is past, leave the hall in a flood.  I would really wish that your voters may see this: How important to you is your sitting place and unimportant to you are the interests of business out there in our country.

Dear colleagues, I myself am for 30 years in the retail textile business. I know what is happening out there. I know how it feels. I was twice sent into the lockdown with two days notice. Thus suddenly everything which has been planned up to then is gone. You are no longer able to work with your co-workers; they need be put on part-time with 60 percent net pay; and that is in the area in which the minimum wage is paid. How that feels for anyone who wants to properly pay his people, I cannot at all describe to you. When, without any fault of your own, you need to close your business, then you feel extremely helpless.

We are presently in December and this actually is the most important month for us in this branch. And no, it is not about making big profits but about being able to compensate for this year’s losses, storing up reserves and the next year, and to be armed for what perhaps is yet to come. All of that we can just forget.

Our co-workers shall be controlled by credentials and vaccination certificates. We do not know whether they are thus authorized, whether they are thus allowed, and what happens if they thereby make mistakes. Who pays the penalties? Our co-workers need customers, those who they know for decades and greet at the door and, if they do not fulfill the third “G” for healthy [gesund], again send out. Our customers are the basis, the foundation of the business and we need show the door to these people. This is unbearable and has nothing to do with what business must do out there.

            Johannes Fechner (SPD): It functions very well!

The press headlines: Apocalyptic Situation for the Merchants, Revenue Losses up to 80 Percent. – But the money is not gone; its just that others have it. The great on-line providers are celebrating their second strongest Christmas sales, the large supermarkets have just rearranged their assortment, and all that the small retail merchant can no longer sell is suddenly there for purchase. And it is no problem at all when 100 people stand there according to the rules for the special offers. Yet the one who does not fulfill the last G cannot stop at the small merchant of 100 square meters. They can go to a tobacco store without fulfilling the 3G rule. They however cannot buy a toy for their neighbor’s daughter; that is not possible. That is awfully sad, that however is reality in our country.

When I let all of this pass in review, this pressure which is certainly exerted upon the non-vaccinated, then I have the impression: It is not really about health. It is about requiring the syringe for the non-vaccinated,

            Julia Klöckner (CDU/CSU): It becomes ever more obscure.

and that on the backs of the retail merchants, the restaurateurs and the other service operations. That is the reality which is found out there and which we cannot accept.

Right honorable Herr Chancellor, a few days ago I could still read that you are the Chancellor of the non-vaccinated. I would gladly take you at your word: Stop the discrimination against the non-vaccinated. Stop it so as to remove these people from the backs of the retail and restaurant trades; since these areas for a year and a half have conducted themselves reasonably, in exemplary fashion and with solidarity. Please comprehensively give back to my colleagues their business freedoms and thereby put an end to the irreparable destruction of a pillar of the German economy.

If this should not suffice for you, then please do it for the millions of competent co-workers who fear for their jobs and their livelihood.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]