Showing posts with label Frank-Christian Hansel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank-Christian Hansel. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Frank-Christian Hansel, November 18, 2021, Berlin Election and Giffey

Berlin Abgeordnetenhaus, Plenarprotokoll 19/2, pp. 65-66.

Right honorable Frau President. Valued colleagues. Dear Berliners. Right honorable Interior – or should I say election breakdown – Senator.

If you have thought: Na, ja, the elections have been poorly or stupidly run, we now make a kind of apology, it was then thus entirely according to the motto: The Berliners are anyway accustomed to all that is put before them. Who as well take it as it comes, and then nothing more of it. Nein, Herr Geisel, we do not let you so simply get away with the debacle.

It is after all significant that neither the coalition nor the CDU or FDP address these failures. An orderly participation of the citizens in the political cooperation through, in and with elections is a foundation and a high office of our parliamentary democracy. These you have damaged with your bungling and that this will be otherwise addressed by no others in this house today, if we did not do it, shows the lack of respect for the sovereign, the electorate.

We of the AfD delegation say: This belongs here and today on the table. I think we all here have sufficient knowledge of the striking irregularities, breakdowns, failures, neglect and imputations of this election. It is thereby from the first fully irrelevant whether these failures of organization in the particulars pertain to the mandate or not. The State Constitutional Court moreover has to decide on the effects on this parliament, and that I certainly will not and cannot anticipate. Yet it is nevertheless clear: First, this election was unworthy of the capital city of our State, and second, this drama is not allowed to be repeated.

We therefore today bring in a motion [Drucksache 19/0015] which is concerned with the largest, most obvious problem of the election Sunday: The evidently not to be accomplished simultaneity of the Bundestag and Abgeordnetenhaus elections and the joint referendum election in district gatherings at the local level. Everyone knows: The district in which the Bundestag and Abgeordnetenhaus elections are allowed to take part is one other than that which the local elections, thus the elections for the BVV [district order meetings], can take part. Here, at least according to the still applicable law, may it come to no sort of inter-mixing because that can distort and change the election result.

It is quite clear to us, dear friends, that there are political powers here in house who want to change this, who want that here ultimately any and all may vote, that the right to vote is to be unlimited. At the end of the day then, children and those quite recently arrived by us here will be allowed to vote. A scoundrel who thinks it evil [Ein Schelm, wer Böses dabei denkt]. Yet perhaps until this one day arrives, there is the law and that says: Only adults and Germans in the sense of the Basic Law may take part in Abgeordnetenhaus and Bundestag elections. The flip side: Those under eighteen years of age and EU foreigners plainly may not.

The circumstances of the September 26 elections have shown that this strict separation could not be guaranteed. There were known to be cases in which many or even all youths in the election locals, after a display of personal identification, received and returned ballots. According to the district election officials in affected election locals in Neuköln and Pankow, these proceedings cannot be excluded. How many youths have actually voted was, on account of the anonymous ballot, not able to be examined. It is not known, it cannot be quantified. Therefore, these central, public potholes for a falsified election result need to be closed. With our motion we want to basically exclude the present occurences, whereby it is to be ruled that the election days for Bundestag and Abgeordnetenhaus elections on one side, and district order meetings on the other side, may no longer coincide. That is a large point.

Independent of the objective irregularities of these elections, so I think, especially in view of the coming government formation, subsequent comment is not to be suppressed – since it has been hinted of one or another of the colleagues, and I refer to you, Frau Giffey, as future governing Bürgermeister – : You will have an immense portion in the Berliners’ future loss of trust in politics. Otherwise stated: You kindle the political peevishness in this city in that you in this regard are committing voter fraud.

Prior to the election, you glanced to the right and with your talk of a new beginning knowingly mediated the impression of not wanting to further pursue the unrestrained leftist course of the R2G [red-red-green]. With that, you tactically defrauded the SPD voters who actually no longer wanted to vote for the SPD, certainly not for a new edition of the red-green leftist government. You have deceived people who have taken you seriously, Frau Giffey, as a person with the clear announcement that, with you, there will be no expropriations.

I may yet say: With this fault, you and your Senate enter into the 19th legislative period, and this fault rids you of nothing much – other than your undeserved doctorate title.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]