Showing posts with label Eugen Schmidt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eugen Schmidt. Show all posts

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Eugen Schmidt, February 17, 2022, Russia

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/17, pp. 1126-1127.

Right honorable ladies and gentlemen. Frau president.

Chotjat li russkie wojnyj? – Do the Russians want war?

These are the words of a well-known Russian song. The answer is simple: Clearly not. Exactly as little as we want a war in Europe.

And what does the Union want? In their motion, they speak of a dialogue with Russia. Nevertheless, the content reveals the opposite. What is in the motion? Cloudy propaganda according to the motto “wicked Russians, good Westerners”. To Russia will be ascribed the sole responsibility for the present tension.

            Reinhard Brandl (CDU/CSU): So it is!

And? Is a Russian attack imminent? Yet one should have again taken place yesterday. Yet: Again not. The facts are that for decades the West has arrogantly ignored Russian security interests. Not once did the West want to seriously speak of this. Ja, now the Russian bear reacts irritably. Russia will be accused of disregarding the borders of other states.

            Sara Nanni (Greens): Take a peek at the map!

It can thus be seen. On the other side, NATO, with German participation, attacked Serbia in 1999. You remember: The first offensive war since the Second World War to proceed from German soil – ordered by a red-green government. Then, in the Kosovo conflict, the people’s right to self-determination was argued. Nevertheless, in regards Crimea and the Donbass this fundamental apparently does not apply.

            Michael Brand (CDU/CSU): Those are two distinct cases!

Double morality here becomes a trademark of the Union.

The Union places in question Nord Stream 2 and thus our secure gas supply. Do the interests of the U.S.A. weigh more heavily than those of the German people? It would be irresponsible to send weapons to this region. The political approach of the CDU and CSU contradicts the national and economic interests of our country.

Good relations with Russia are indispensable for the peace and prosperity of our continent. We reject the motion of the Union delegation.

Chotjat li russkie wojnyj? Nyet.

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]