Showing posts with label Domestic Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Domestic Security. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Jörg Urban, June 5, 2023, Leftist Violence in Saxony

AfD Kompakt, June 5, 2023.

We see also an urgent need for a special sitting of the Interior Committee. When for many days there, stones are thrown at police, autos are set afire and police precincts are attacked, that is a situation similar to civil war.

It makes matter more difficult that the Greens with Jürgen Kasek have taken a key role in regards the militant protests. A governing party has the duty to prevent violence. Instead, the Greens have ever again verbally legitimated the Anitfa’s violence. Minister-president Michael Kretschmer thus sits in a boat with quasi Antifa powers. In that regard, he has an extremism problem in his own government.

Especially his Green Justice Minister Katja Meier enlists as a political arm of the Antifa. Just a few years ago, she herself demonstrated side by side with leftist extremists. To this day, she has not credibly distanced herself from the protagonists of leftist violence.

Kretschmer’s government coddles leftist extremists in regards whom the Federal Criminal Office sees parallels with the RAF. CDU Interior Minister Armin Schuster now in retrospect announces himself for implementing a concept against leftist extremism. The government of Saxony must allow the question why already for years such a concept was not drawn up.


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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Stephan Brandner, May 5, 2023, Juvenile Crime

AfD Kompakt, May 5, 2023.

The police criminal statistics show a mournful picture: Children ever more frequently become perpetrators. The facts alone that 18 children under 14 years are suspects of a homicide and that almost 10,000 children are suspected of serious bodily harm makes clear that the policy is not allowed to shut its eyes to this development. Yet the numbers also show that juvenile violence and crime is clearly impressed by migration and ever again Syrian and Afghan citizenship weighs negatively. In how far here a flawed age determination was relevant needs thus far to remain open.


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Monday, April 24, 2023

Stephan Brandner, April 20, 2023, A Poor Man’s Joe Biden

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/97, pp. 11604-11605.

If Frau Klöckner has again calmed herself, I may begin.

Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The CDU installs its first investigating committee. What it now puts forward, after much tamtam and a conceited announcement, is beyond thin: Six and a half pages of which a page and a half are names. I need say to you: With a five page investigation motion, you fall short of us. You still need to learn opposition. We sit directly beside you. Simply call upon us and we may show you how it goes.

Nevertheless, one now wants to address oneself to the Chancellor’s false stories and/or increasing bouts of amnesia – it is, besides, a shame that he is not here; perhaps he has forgotten the date. That is in our view in order. This requires a clarification. Since who really wants to be governed by anyone who is either mysteriously forgetful or simply lies without blushing as he has already?

Ladies and gentlemen, the term of Rumscholzens is meanwhile firmly anchored in the German language usage. It stands for careful and long-term planning and to announce a policy; and yet then to do the opposite: For dodging, for laughing it away, for laughing off the citizens,

            Johannes Schraps (SPD): We have made it clear in the government                                     declaration. That it is nonsense what you are telling here! That is rubbish!

for non-reaction, and for recourse to memory loss – like a poor man’s Joe Biden. We are in Germany.

How can such a man, how can such a person at all govern Germany – a country that slides and is steered from one crisis to another? How can such a man stand at the top of our government? The Cicero  newspaper has the answer in the form of a question and which reads: How could anyone “with so little standing” [„mit so wenig Anstand“]  and talent arrive at the office of the Federal Chancellor?

I reveal it to you. It is, for one, his Scholzo-mat aura, for another, his competitors were certainly beyond pale. Frau Merkel did not want or should no longer be Chancellor candidate, Laschet on the sidelines laughed in the face of the Nordrhein-Westfalen flood catastrophe, Söder entangled himself in intrigues from which he did not extricate himself.

Today’s opposition leader Herr Merz – he sits here – is, with his BlackRock entanglement, scarcely acceptable as Federal Chancellor. BlackRock – one needs know; Herr Merz knows it, he even laughs – is an investment group with administered assets of 10 trillion euros, two and a half times as much as Germany generates in gross domestic product. Herr Merz, that allows to expect nothing good from a person who thereupon shall assume influence on German policy. And Wolfgang Schäuble, with the money bag and the 100,000 mark donations, the circumstance of which was never clarified, is still remembered. Thus, here some brandish themselves as accusers who actually belong on the bench of the accused.  

Ladies and gentlemen, money bags, corruption – one thinks of the Corona profiteers and the mask dealers of the CDU and CSU – scandals wherever one looks. Herr Scholz, First Bürgermeister of Hamburg, who already in the year 2017 at the G-20 summit allowed his city to be laid in rubble and ash, hangs in the midst of this swamp.  

It is of course still more interesting that in this Warburg Bank swamp Mathias Döpfner also now emerges. He is the head of Springer who gladly insulted we east Germans as low-grade fascists and communists and whom the FDP and Herr Kubicki praised to the heavens in his press organs. And Herr Döpfner has received 60 million euros from the Warburg Bank. I am anxious that everything here may appear.

Ladies and gentlemen, a clarification is required, yet we have in Germany essentially greater problems. We have significant harm as a result of the Afghanistan disaster with many dead, as a result of the Corona disaster with costs in the hundreds of billions, the Nord Stream explosion, this unlimited immigration, the exploding criminality,

            Maximilian Mordhorst (FDP): Mein Gott!

tens of billions in costs for the immigration, the Treuhand disaster and the disaster of the Merkel regime. These problems in addition require clarification.

All of this you of course do not want. You all are stuck in the mud. You want to hush it up. You now throw yourselves at Herr Merz and the Warburg Bank. Have fun. We are nevertheless –

            Vice-president Katrin Göring-Eckardt: Herr Brandner.

yet think that much greater efforts are required to again bring Germany onto the right path.

Many thanks.

            Bruno Hönel (Greens): You have said nothing at all on the motion!

            Markus Herbrand (FDP): Not a word on the motion! Laschet is laughing.


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Monday, April 10, 2023

Gottfried Curio, March 29, 2023, Asylum, Deportation and the CDU

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 20/93, p. 11176.

Right honorable President. Ladies and gentlemen.

With clearly over 200,000 asylum applicants last year – besides one million Ukrainians – the quite overburdened reception capacities are definitely overcharged. Yet, despite dramatic cries for help from States and communities, the Federal government undertakes nothing. No stop of the ever further influx of illegals migrants, no effective border defense; instead, new incentives, giveaway rights to remain for the unwarranted, so-called opportunities.

The army of hundreds of thousands of illegal intruders itself remains untouched. Of over 300,000 rejected asylum applicants who are effectively obliged to depart, 96 percent simply remain sitting in Germany and they continue to collect from the taxpayers. Return quota: Just four percent. The Swiss have 54 percent; the EU average at least amounts to 23 percent. And this lawbreaking mentality of Germany in its migration policy, meanwhile recognized worldwide – that the unwarranted can remain – is a first-class pull factor. That Germany since 2015 permanently stands for lawbreaking will become the historical role of the Union Chancellor and her helpers, not to speak of the countless crimes of violence, all the murders, because the government violates its legal obligation in regards deportations.

            Clara Bünger (Greens): Lies!

It is no longer acceptable. The government remains inactive where countries of origin are not willing to again receive their citizens. The AfD here demands finally the strengthened use of the visa lever, the use of all measures of trade policy, development co-operation, technology transfer, so as to compel these states to an observance of their obligation. And since countless migrants, to fraudulently obtain social benefits, throw away their personal documents, the acceptance of laisser-passer papers by countries of origin is to be compelled. Those that remain obdurate are to be deported to reception-ready third countries – following the model agreement between Great Britain and Rwanda. And self-evidently also to deport to Iraq and to widely pacified Syria. Here, there must be an end to the active hindrance by the Federal government, ladies and gentlemen.

We also want to put an end to the refusal of EU member states. In regards 69,000 acceptance requests, just 4,000 transfers; of 10,000 requests in regards Greece, exactly one transfer. Italy refuses entirely. Yet that cannot be. This EU lives alone on grants of German money; that is to say: From the misappropriation of German tax money for the anti-national machinations in Brussels – thus, the law without mitigation is to be enforced. The revolving door phenomenon, that the returnee may again enter Germany as an asylum applicant: This disdain of the law is to be ended by coordinated border defense, immediate return, as well as by no longer processing the corresponding petitions.

And the number of places for those subject to deportation is to be built up. On all levels, we want that it effectively goes ahead. And besides: Who wants to effectively deport must of course first for once secure the borders against ever further illegal immigration.

Yet what has a CDU government done? Signed the global migration pact, paid millions for refugee counselors, extended the deportation date for those affected who then submerge! How ridiculous it is that the CDU now presents a deportation motion against its own former policy, where they as the government rejected a better migration policy as put forward in all AfD motions, where they de facto abolished Dublin III, allowed everyone into the country even though they have entered from a secure third country! Most of those obliged to depart came under a CDU government, and needed not leave it under a CDU government.

We need see that the Union for 16 years fueled illegal immigration, then in opposition copied from AfD motions rejected by them, alone in the hope of getting along by again joining with the SPD or Greens. That is a cynicism not to be outdone and only to entered under “Chronicle of a Proclaimed Voter Fraud”.

            Marc Henrichmann (CDU/CSU): State of law!

Nein, ladies and gentlemen, it is time for another policy, time for an Alternative für Deutschland!

            Canan Bayram (Greens): Dream on!


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