Monday, October 14, 2019

Roland Hartwig, September 26. 2019, Syria and Iraq

Roland Hartwig
Syria and Iraq
German Bundestag, September 26. 2019,
Plenarprotokoll 19/115, p. 14704

[Roland Hartwig is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Nordrhein-Westphalen. He is a lawyer and here responds to the government’s proposal to extend the German military mission in Iraq and Syria.]

Iraq and Syria were for a long time stable states. They provided their citizens with a relative standard of security, education, health care and job opportunities. This changed in Iraq in 2003 when a so-called coalition of the willing under the leadership of the USA attacked that country. Most international law experts however are agreed that this attack was a war of aggression in violation of international law. In 2003, Frau Merkel chimed in as leader of the opposition to the war song of the U.S. government, thereby positioning herself against the German Federal government in the Iraq war. Franz Münterfering at that time spoke of a “defamation of one’s own country” and a “red herring against the U.S. administration.

Since then Iraq has sunk into chaos. Over a million people have been killed. Many of the central treasures of one of the world’s oldest Kultur nations were destroyed; an irretrievable loss to all mankind.

Syria then took in over one million Iraqis. This was a decisive element in the destabilization of the country in the year 2011. During the violation of Syria’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, an entire series of states supported various armed groups in Syria which fought against one another and against the Syrian government. Hundreds of thousands of people thus were killed. Meanwhile, the Syrian government regained control over a large part of its territory and announced a general amnesty.

If you really want to be in a position of improving the lives of people, as you assert in your motion, then you must work constructively in common with the Syrian government, Russia and other parties, so that the people who have fled the country can return home and re-build an existence. Instead, in this motion, you request a blessing for your plan for German aircraft, without permission of the Syrian government, to enter Syrian air space and there reconnoiter targets of military action. Here, you are moving, in the best case, in a legal gray area, though you are probably acting counter to international law.

            Markus Grubel (CDU-CSU): Have you said that yet to the Russians?

Disregard of the law, a globalist agenda and the destruction of people’s homelands run like red threads through Frau Merkel’s years as chancellor, abroad as well as here in Germany.

            Henning Otte (CDU-CSU): An impossible speech.

German foreign policy has in recent years increasingly led our country into isolation. To that, allow us to put an end, and we today may yet begin.

Many thanks.

[Translated by Todd Martin]