Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Kay Gottschalk, September 10, 2019, Negative Interest Rates

Kay Gottschalk
Negative Interest Rates
AfD Kompakt, September 10, 2019

[Kay Gottschalk is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the western German state of Nordrhein-Westfalen. A former member of the SPD, he is an insurance manager, an Odd Fellow and AfD spokesman for finance policy in the Bundestag.]

The AfD naturally wishes to defend as much as possible the German saver against negative interest rates. We however reject the push by Bavarian Minsterpräsident Söder for a legal ban on minus rates for the saver. In a free market economy, it is plainly possible for the banks to pass on negative interest rates to their customers. We reject a planned economy with its continuing interventions. Herr Söder with this proposal wishes only to hush up the natural consequences of the euro – bad finance policy as well as the failure of the euro.

Nevertheless, I cannot understand the lamentations of the German banks. The chief of the Bafin [Federal Financial Supervisory Authority] Felix Hufeld is fully right in this respect, the banking industry must urgently alter its scarcely profitable business model. Here for years has digitalization slumbered and far too little has been invested in future technologies. The connection as in other countries like Japan and the USA has clearly been missed. Where in this country are found the start-ups as in other countries? Nothing withstanding, it is still clear that at the root of the matter lies the government’s failures, the failed euro policy and the absolutely false EZB policy. That ought not be forgotten in regards all the criticism of the banks.

[Translated by Todd Martin]