Monday, August 5, 2019

Sebastian Wippel, Election in Saxony, August 5, 2019

Sebastian Wippel
Election in Saxony
AfD Kompakt, August 5, 2019

[Sebastian Wippel is an Alternative für Deutschland member in the Landtag of the eastern German Free State of Saxony, elections for which will be held this coming September 1. He is a police officer and both he and Saxony Minister-president Michael Kretschmer are residents of the city of Görlitz.]

It so happens that the citizens in the constituency of the CDU Minister-president Kretschmer are to be fed on starvation wages. Since 2004, Kretschmer as CDU general secretary has directed the course of the Free State in a decisively false direction. Yet that is not enough: now Kretschmer, with a hasty shut-down of the coal industry, wants to deprive the region of the last good-paying jobs. The Green school children and students of the large cities celebrated by the media appear to Kretschmer to be more important than the old and settled country people. The people of Görlitz will not forget this presumptuous familiarity with the Green Zeitgeist.

[Translated by Todd Martin]