Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Peter Boehringer, July 3, 2019, European Central Bank

Peter Boehringer
Christine Lagarde as European Central Bank President
AfD Kompakt, July 3, 2019

[Peter Boehringer is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the southern German state of Bavaria. He is a businessman, investor and author and is currently chairman of the Bundestag budget committee.]

Following the haggling, unworthy of a democracy, of Merkel, Macron and the others in the Brussels bazaar, there now happens to chosen as EZB president the woman who ten years ago subordinated the rule of law maintaining the euro and who in 2010 quite openly renounced this. Remember: in 2010 Christine Lagarde said, “We must break the treaty to save the euro”.

Thus, in regards aspects of stability and the state of law, shall the goat be made the gardener. It is foreseeable that Lagarde will continue and enhance the already almost limitless money printing of Herr Draghi (“Whatever it costs”); if necessary, also openly contrary to law and treaty. Today it already appears clear that Lagarde will not only continue the EZB’s absurd negative interest rate policy but also at the next opportunity will again take up the EZB’s (in our opinion) illegal and inflationary bond purchasing program – to the burden of the little people of Germany.