Thursday, May 9, 2019

European Election Program, 9th European Parliament 2019, Finance and Economy

European Election Program
Program of the Alternative für Deutschland for Election
     of the 9th European Parliament 2019
Finance and Economy

4.5 Maintain Value Creation, Promote Key Technologies
We criticize the EU abolishing the combustion engine by all political means; i.e., by absurd limit values, driving bans and drastic penalty payments, which thereby drive the German automobile firms to foreign countries. We want the opposite; namely, reliable sector conditions which keep the business and the work with us. Additionally, firms should be supported by consultant service, cooperation and exchange platforms and with their start-up financing.

For the development of high technologies, we want to provide promotion funding which allows the users maximum flexibility. By way of example are here mentioned the space program and programs for the development of artificial intelligence. The system imminent difficulty of state-overlapping cooperation cannot lead to our falling behind more flexible actors.

4.6 Strengthen “Made in Germany”
National and regional quality standards and declarations of origin are to be defended. That includes marks like “Made in Germany” and also training standards. EU prescriptions cannot lead to qualifications acquired in foreign countries being made equivalent without submitting a workplace examination according to national standards.