Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Gottfried Curio, December 20, 2019, Migration

Gottfried Curio
German Bundestag, December 20, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/138, pp. 17315-17316

[Gottfried Curio is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Berlin. He is a physicist and musician and is the AfD’s spokesman for immigration and integration policy in the Bundestag. Heiko Maas (SPD) is the German Foreign Minister]

Right honorable Herr President. Ladies and gentlemen.

For Germany, the Global Refugees Pact will chisel into stone the essentially flawed decisions of the year 2015. It wishes a fair, international distribution of refugees by means of increased, new settlements. It wishes a path of legal reception and it wishes a possibility of legal employment for “people who are underway.” The aim is to declare every internal refugee of inner Africa to be Europe’s problem.

Resettlement means the reception of persons from a state in which they already enjoy secure protection – a program of resettlement to Germany and Europe. Initially, the UNHCR [United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees] was thinking of just one and a half million persons. Nevertheless, when refugees are resettled in Germany, they remit money back home. What use is best made of that money there? Right; to migrate to Germany.

The result of the non-functional distribution principle, as tried for years in Europe, is that instead of distribution there is repeat reception, before all in Germany. That corresponds with Heiko Maas’s agreement to the progressive expansion of the reception programs in the coming years. In that regard, it should not be forgotten that Germany, among the Western, industrialized countries, already now, and by a wide margin, leads in the ranking of reception of refugees – at a cost of billions.

            Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): Did you read the study?

Those concerned shall thus not seek shelter in some close-by, neighboring country or indeed remain as internal refugees –

            Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): Fake News Department!

– but they shall be detached from their cultural society and distributed over the globe. A return at the end of the conflict will therefore be considerably more difficult. It is, however, not masses of men that shall be shifted around the world but, in the best case, aid money.

Such a resettlement is a profoundly inhumane, population-policy, plumbing job. It means the cultural and and linguistic alienation of those concerned. For the reception society, it means social disadvantages, dangers to domestic security and domestic peace, loss of identity, a psychological and material excess demand. It is an insanity of willful, unnecessary burdens for Germany – this rich Germany, where there is no housing, no teachers, no day-care, but debts and EU liabilities, decrepit bridges, streets, schools, and where our elders feed themselves at the Tafel.

            Karamba Diaby (SPD): In what country are you living?

(Members of the CDU/CSU and FDP turn their backs on the speaker. 
Members of the AfD take photos. Cries of “Herr President, photos are 
being made!” Unrest.)

Presently, over 50 percent of young men in Arab territories wish to emigrate – 53 million men. Many millions of people in the Syrian camps await their resettlement in Europe. With the addition of an expected doubling of the African population to 2.4 billion people by 2050, the most prominent origin of refugees is likely soon to be over-populated – and clearly with the right to be distributed around the world.

These persons shall have extensive rights in the host countries: Integration into the labor and training sectors, participation in education, health care, stipends, student visas. A citation:

In common, we can aim for the result by which the life…of the recipient 
communities will be fundamentally altered.


That is already established by the over-burdening of the schools, police, courts, of the housing market and social system, and that is due only to the refugees who are already here.

And: The refugees and recipient society shall be mutually accommodating. Mark well: We ourselves shall accommodate. Integration is a two-way street which requires effort from all parties – and the readiness of the recipient community to conform to the requirements of a diverse population.  

            René Röspel (SPD): What has gone so wrong in your life that you make such 

            Helin Evrim Sommer (Linke): What have you been smoking?

A truly perverse understanding of integration which actually means a leveling and non-recognition of one’s own culture. This pact manifests a deep disregard of democracy – not surprising, considering “no nations, no borders.” Autonomous states stand in the way, as do societies true to their traditions which resist this pact’s inherent subordination of one’s own culture.

(Members of the CDU/CSU and FDP turn their backs on the speaker. 
Member Beatrix von Storch, AfD, takes photos on the floor…Unrest.)

Ladies and gentlemen, I must say to you: We really have had enough of this endlessly swaggering, insatiable, raucous, Big Spender complex of a German feeling [Gemüter] which, on its imaginary little hill of moral superiority, wishes to manage a world government [Weltenlenkung] of permanent rescue using other people’s money, instead of concerning itself with the real problems of one’s own country. We will concern ourselves with the problems of our German citizens, tax payers, automobile drivers, renters, students and day care providers, mothers and pensioners. That, ladies and gentlemen, is the right mindset. We will concern ourselves, and indeed do so as the government, and soon. Germany deserves it.

[Translated by Todd Martin]

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Peter Felser, December 20, 2019, Artificial Intelligence

Peter Felser
Artificial Intelligence
German Bundestag, December 20, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/138, p. 17240

[Peter Felser is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from Bavaria. He is an IT businessman.]

Right honorable Herr President. Dear colleagues.

I wish to use the present opportunity to address some self-evident postulates of KI [artificial intelligence] use, for which neither strategy papers nor experts discussions are needed and which will make clear where the problem lies, in Germany and in Europe.

First: Society. There is not one European firm among the top ten hardware manufacturers. Among the top ten internet firms, there is found not one from Europe. And among the top ten software makers is only one European firm: The well known firm of SAP in Walldorf. Our future mobile telephone indeed will be Chinese. That is the situation. Dear government, how will you then retain control of our citizens data, concerning which we are speaking of today?

Generalleutnant Leinhos, Inspector of the Bundeswehr command for cyber and information space, has often warned of the digital defense situation and the consequences for our society. Of the particularly influential application areas of artificial intelligence – of which we have already heard today – data security is the most important basic principle; for example, for health care, or for de-bureaucratization or for slimming down the officialdom. For that, we require promptly dedicated European data rooms.

Second: Citizens’ rights. In regards the possible processing of data by the administration, it must be guaranteed that neither officials nor firms be able to benefit from the data collected to the  disadvantage of the citizen. We want no Chinese or American situation, dear colleagues. A policy must not be allowed which so optimizes insurance contributions, credit terms or access to medical care that individuals or entire groups are systematically disadvantaged. For that, our democracy requires control bodies, citizen participation at all levels and a commitment to transparency.

Third: Education. Solid, fundamental KI research and a widely presented application training are prerequisites of a socially useful and, before all, socially acceptable use of artificial intelligence. We need a central KI campus and a research center for new technologies.

Here, also, the government has shown itself to be a master of advertising. With their strategy, they want to hire 100 KI professors. So far, they have added two. Dear colleagues, two KI professors! According to the Fraunhofer Institute, Germany lacks 85,000 with academic credentials in the areas of data analysis and big data. With hand-wringing will be sought more than 10,000 IT experts with knowledge of advanced analytics and data science. How in the next years will these deficits be filled? Improve, finally, the research conditions. When there is a lack of money, terminate the gender professors! That is still perhaps possible…It must happen, ja.

Fourth: KMU [small and mid-sized businesses], Mittelstand. Should we grant unrestricted access to European markets of the future to the great data gatherers like Google, Amazon or Tencent, then there will remain of the German Mittelstand only a vague memory. Data availability is the all-limiting factor; you know that. For the small and mid-sized firms, it is much more difficult to train their own algorithms when the training data is potentially to be stored by Google, AWS, or Citrix. It is a platitude of the digital business: He always profits who has the greater amount of data at his disposal. I very much doubt that he will later become the carpenter from Kempton or the machine builder from Göppingen.

The policy must create the framework for a European open data solution. I want our children to be able to buy a hand-carved Christmas manger from the Erzgebirge and not just the artificial product of a 3-D printer in Shenzhen. I wish you Merry Christmas.

Thank you kindly.

[Translated by Todd Martin]


Monday, January 6, 2020

Joana Cotar, December 18, 2019, IT Security and Citizens’ Rights

Joana Cotar
IT Security and Citizens’ Rights
German Bundestag, December 18, 2019, Plenarprotokoll 19/136, pp. 16972-16973

[Joana Cotar is an Alternative für Deutschland Bundestag member from the central German state of Hessen. A communications manager, she is the AfD’s Bundestag spokesman for digital policy. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) was previously head of the Justice Minstry where Eva Högl is presently state secretary.]

Right honorable Herr President. Worthy colleagues. Dear audience.

Place before yourselves the following scenario: The Chinese government issues a law with which it obliges all internet services to give up on demand the passwords of internet users so that officials can test whether all are conducting themselves in loyal fashion, –
            Florian Post (SPD): The keyword is called “court order”!

– all naturally for the good of the country and for the citizens. The wicked can quite quickly be sorted out –

            Florian Post (SPD): Court order!

– and at length the wise are trained that the possible surrender of passwords is for the Chinese the legitimate state of affairs and all is ultimately to the good: an upright and obedient people.

“Typical China” we would say to that, turning away with dismay, shaking a finger at those responsible and demanding, “How could you?”

We can in fact shake a finger, ladies and gentlemen, but not at the Chinese. This insanity is not the plan of the Middle Kingdom. This insanity is the plan of our own Federal government. It is our government which wants to establish a surveillance state here in Germany. It is our government which once again conducts an all-out assault upon the rights of the citizens.

            Eva Högl (SPD): Something completely different: The AfD for citizens’ rights!

It is our government which wants to conclusively bury the free internet and freedom of opinion. In line with the ostensible fight against right-wing extremism and hate crimes, the Federal Justice Ministry wants to oblige social networks to automatically pass on to the Federal Criminal Office subsequently culpable posts including the user’s IP address and port number. The social networks must thus store these for the future, even where the storage of port numbers exceeds the constitutionally questionable data retention. Whether the post is culpable or whether the data of the completely innocent was passed along, that is to be decided later.

Yet even that is not enough for the Ministry. The security officials will also be assigned the right to force internet firms like Google, Twitter, Tinder , Facebook, as well as forums and blogs, to give up the passwords and other highly confidential data of their customers. The circle of authorized departments which can demand passwords is thereby expanded and in no way relates only to the officials combating terrorism, since the surrender of passwords can be ordered not only for criminal acts but even for those deemed to be disorderly. Even a preventative surrender for security purposes shall be possible. Ja, even the campaign against the violations of creators’ rights shall be obliged. Since the law is also directed against hate on the internet, infractions of opinion will also be added. Here, the court order is a pure placebo, since it is the rule that magistrates always consent to such searches.

            Eva Högl (SPD): Yet you have a high regard for magistrates!

Farewell state of law, farewell private sphere, farewell citizens’ rights. “Inconceivable!”, do you say? Yes, but for this government it is only a logical next step in the fight against the free internet.

            Eva Högl (SPD): Madness!

After the NetzDG and upload filters, now thus the surrender of passwords – the obstinate citizens, still entitled to their own opinions, will anyhow be few. Since what, dear viewer, do you believe will happen when you yourself must fear that one of your posts will consequently lead to the police having your password? Do you still write or do you forego that? And it is precisely that which is the actual goal of the government: It shall be left to the citizen that the people are to be further intimidated.

This government does not want a free internet. This government does not want mature and critical citizens.

            Sebastian Steineke (CDU/CSU): You do not understand the penal code.

It is no wonder that the renewed assault upon citizens’ rights, quite in keeping with the tradition of Maas, again comes from the Justice Ministry, lead by the SPD – from this Ministry we meanwhile have become accustomed to constitutional ideas of a dubious nature.

And, naturally, all that is happening is for the good of the citizens. I have already once here said in plenary session: The curtailment of freedoms would always be sold to the citizens engaged in politics as a defense in the face of dangers. It is up to us all that we no longer swallow that, ladies and gentlemen. I find it simply absurd that you harass the citizens of this state with the Data Defense Basic Regulation [DSGVO] while you yourselves at the same time wish to secure a grip on people’s most intimate communications.

Passwords of many on-line services are submitted only in encrypted form – completely in keeping with the DSGVO. Were they forced to come up with passwords in clear text, that would be a danger to IT security for which words can scarcely be found. Yet the Justice Ministry denies this duty. The boilerplate formulations of rotten legalese permits one to surmise that the pressure on the provider will become so great that they themselves will lower the security standards.

We of the AfD reject this total surveillance of the citizens. We stand for a free internet and freedom of opinion in this country. In May of this year, we already brought a motion, “Freedom on the Internet – Strengthen Citizens’ Rights.” All of you here rejected it. And yet, ladies and gentlemen, we will not give up.

            Florian Post (SPD): We neither!

We will continue to fight for freedom, for the right to openly state one’s opinion, without angst or harassment, since we already once had that in Germany, and that we do not want again.  

My appeal to the Federal government and here especially to the Justice Minister: Stop the curtailment of fundamental human rights. Stop the limitation of the rights of freedom. And before all, finally stop with all that as an introduction to servitude [Bedienungsanleitung] is to be read of in the novel “1984”.

Many thanks.

            Ullii Nissen (SPD): How nice that this speech is over!

[Translated by Todd Martin]