Saturday, February 27, 2021

Lothar Maier, February 11, 2021, South Sudan

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/209, pp. 26393-26394.

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

South Sudan fundamentally has all the natural resources required to build a flourishing economy: A great land mass, petroleum, various metals, good agricultural land and the water reserves belonging thereto – fundamentally everything necessary not only for self-support but also for export. However, South Sudan is in fact one of the world’s poorest countries. According to the ranking list of Transparency International, it is in addition the world’s most corrupt country, a rank it shares with neighboring Somalia.

For many years, two warlords engage in a brutal struggle over power and money which has driven millions of people out of the country. Of the 12 million inhabitants of South Sudan – the State Minister has already plainly referred to it – 7.5 million, far more than half, are dependent on food assistance. In other central and western African countries it is to be sure not much better.

Because the political heroes engage in civil wars, assistance is required and delivered. As a first impulse, this  is completely comprehensible. Yet the opposite of well done is well intentioned; since in supplying any crisis area with food, the warlords are primarily freed to further conduct their wars and not to trouble themselves with the needs of the people. By means of these doubtless well intentioned deliveries to the populace, the wars and the people’s suffering were ultimately made possible and prolonged.

A further consequence of the constantly well intentioned deliveries is that many places scarcely still pursue an agriculture and will have built no real distribution system; of a construction of industries, there is nothing to be said. In ever more African states, however, there meanwhile develops a resistance against the dependence-forming alms of the West. Native African economists see them as new form of colonialism rather than as selfless assistance.  

The Deutschlandfunk, for example, frequently reported in recent years on the experiences of African scientists, but of also the people who live in these areas, who ask themselves: Why should I still build something, if the aid comes anyway? Why should I try to sell in the market foodstuffs of my own production, when the foodstuffs assistance will be delivered and distributed free of cost?

            Armin-Paulus Hampel (AfD): So it is!

The little German military mission in South Sudan is now to be seen against this background. Liaison staff activity and technical equipment assistance, according to the Federal government’s motion, should stand in the foreground, and not so much the securing of aid deliveries as before. This is to be welcomed. Therefore, the AfD, as in previous years, will support this mission and vote for the motion.

Nevertheless, 28 million euros for humanitarian aid for 2021 is again foreseen by the Federal government, thus deliveries of foodstuffs. We think it would be more sensible to scale down the foodstuffs assistance and to intensify the development of the agriculture and distribution system in this country, and also in other countries. The BMZ’s [Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development] crucial point of activity is now already the development of the agricultural infrastructure, the supply of water and sanitation – a consequential and correct decision.

We should not however allow the warlords to further neglect their responsibility for the people of South Sudan. Help for self-help – yes, unconditionally, but no help which makes them helpless.

I thank you.


[trans: tem]








Friday, February 26, 2021

Sebastian Wippel, February 4, 2021, Leftist Extremism

Saxon Landtag, Plenarprotokoll 7/23, pp. 1532-1534. 

Right honorable Herr President. Right honorable colleague members.

In June 2020, there were once again brutally violent demonstrations against the police following searches in Leipzig-Connewitz. On the periphery of the searches were found cutting and stabbing weapons, combat clothing and means of communication. After three nights of rioting in September 2020, then police president Torsten Schulze stated to the press that it was evidently a matter of leftist extremism. Only the good protective equipment of the officers provided that those engaged were only lightly wounded. Eleven officers were wounded.

I here cite: “The attack out of the dark upon on-duty police permits me to think only of evidence of homicidal offenses, the malice and means encountered allowing for the death of people.” End citation.

In November, only with a shot from a service weapon could a brave police officer prevent the killing of a presumed Querdenker by a wild horde of anti-fascists on a public street. I could still report unnumbered examples of arson attacks on courts and the Bundeswehr, of malicious attempts to murder on the public street or of raids on dwellings – for which time alone is lacking.  

That here, one or another could think that he need not be concerned, I ask myself: Yes, then who is concerned? Here is worth a glance at “Indymedia” – cite: “This society produces the fascists. The fight is directed at the roots of fascism. It must be directed against the state and also fight the fascists in uniform.”

For years already, the Antifa sends the following unmistakable threat in its address to the police – cite: “Even when you take off your uniform, you still remain the same human swine and will continue to be a target of our interventions whenever we wish it.” Police, Bundeswehr, courts, realtors, construction firms, those in opposition and those representing society are thus exactly the target of Antifa as those concerned for their basic rights at the civil protests in November. I summarize: The fight is directed against society as a whole. I hope this is clear to all.

Yet which means are now turned against this allegedly fascist society? I again cite “Indymedia”: “Who has a problem with fascists should proceed against these, no matter which clothes they wear and by which means, such as demos, blockades, Antifa sports groups, journalists, or, or, or.” End citation.

In the same article follows a distinct critique to citizens, the aggressive words of which calling for physical violence against fascists in and out of uniform go too far. Now, since we know that these persons are prepared to use any form of violence, let me also say to you how these terrorists situate themselves. For some suffices a quasi paramilitary formation in training camps, pursuing combat sports, outfitting themselves in black, uniform-like clothing and protective weapons, and physically or with stones attacking demonstrators of different thinking.

On the other hand, assaults and targeted attempts at murder of prominent persons must be professionally planned. I say to you: This will be done – for example, by an assault on a dwelling, by an assault in a public street or a malicious attack on a traveler, as lately by an attack in northern Saxony on a local AfD chairman. The LKA [State criminal office] spokesman Tom Bernhardt once summed it up – cite: “The scene is clever and extremely clandestine, stealthy in their ways of proceeding.” End citation. The chairman of the German Police Union Rainer Wendt said of Anitfa attacks – cite: “These attacks clearly display the handwriting of extreme leftist circles and recall the goals and execution fatal to the formation of leftist terrorist structures in the 70s.”

How will the Antifa attacks actually be attended to in the media? You recall: 66% of those in the media already in 2010 placed themselves on the left or formerly on the left. A new inquiry amongst volunteers in the public organizations yielded an even more drastically one-sided picture. By means of a skillful choice words, the facts of the matter will be frequently banalized.

Variant 1: “Spiegel”’s excuse [Ausrede] for the attack on the police station at Wiedebachstraße and Plawitz reads: “Rage over the lax police operation against Querdenker in Leipzig.” This justified an attack on the police?

Variant 2: The “Nordwest Zeitung” wrote in September of “annoyance [Arger] over the evacuation of occupied houses in Leipzig”. Even this is nonsense. It is not annoyance which leads to violence. It is the bare lust for violence that leads to violence.

We could still experience a third variant, deception [Irrefuhrung]. The viewer will thereby be misled with pictures from Connewitz and words concerning an escalating demonstration of Querdenker so that he certainly can no more recognize the true perpetrators. Thus can the Michel in the evening go to bed well informed by the Tagesschau.

If simply nothing more helps, and debate nevertheless somehow begins to run, the diversion of social debates to unappetizing sideshows still helps.

            Second Vice-president André Wendt: Colleague Wippel, do you consent to                            an interim question at microphone 5?

Briefly, I give the same a sign.

            Kerstin Köditz (Linke): That’s still not right!

– Frau Köditz, you can gladly lead the assembly. But you then must be elected. I do not believe that has happened.

Sideshow 1: All police are corrupt.

Second example: Find the Nazi in the police. The search yielded: Two of 1,000 police officers between 2014 and 2020 had something to do with a supposedly radical right background. For example, these had written dumb Facebook comments, concerning which we in fact cannot know the content of these comments so as to be able to evaluate it. 

Second Vice-president André Wendt: I would now have the request to speak at microphone 5. Please, Frau colleague.

Christiane Schenderlein (CDU): Many thanks, Herr President. Herr Wippel, one question: You address the assault on Herr Bochmann. I have still discovered no knowledge of the perpetrator. Doubtless we must pay attention to such a story. It would interest me how you know that this assault in fact has come from this situation.

You can somehow substantiate that argumentation with nearly all assaults on the Alternative für Deutschland or on opponents of the so-called anti-fascists, since the frequency of clarification is extremely low. Self-evidently, I do not always know, after the act was clarified, which motivation the perpetrator in fact had. For the classification of politically motivated criminality, it is however important – I still only answer the interim question, because the time continues to run – to actually know who is the target of this act. What motivation could the perpetrator have? On which day did this assault occur? Or is the reason in the widest sense a perpetrator-victim relationship? That is important for the classification of politically motivated criminality.

If it is about classifying leftist extremist violence, then that is still something different, since then we have thereon only a partial number. In place of it, it is however fully clear: The attacks on the Alternative für Deutschland were surely – No, clearly! From the AfD itself! Of what are you actually dreaming in the night? Self-evidently are all of these assaults, by all standards, leftist motivated. The perpetrators, those we have, were always leftist motivated.

I proceed. With diversion, what is the government actually making of the situation? This is not unknown. Does one now exhibit the real problem or does one perhaps ignore this diversionary maneuver? No, one naturally does not ignore it. The CDU routinely gives in and lends itself to diversionary sideshows. To that then belongs the spontaneous, night-time dismissal of a press spokesman after the New Year’s riots of 2019-2020, the appointment of a special investigator for Bicycle-gate, the appointment of a security coordinator at SMI – as usual, the man is handsomely paid – , schooling in the recognition and denunciation of non-streamlined officials to the right of the leftward-shifted CDU, or – new – intensified tests of viewpoint for recruitment in the police service. That sounds quite like what would not have been examined in the past.

In closing with a few words in the field of leftist extremism. Greens and Linke – we also note it here – routinely trivialize the violence. They spur it on. They are the parliamentary arm of the Antifa.

Juliane “Bulls out of Connewitz” Nagel, full of a radical left problem consciousness; the “We are representatives of Antifa, are represented straight through the leftist parties” of Mirko Schulze, who declares his solidarity with sympathizers of the PKK terror organization; up to the command summit of the SPD, within which is Saskia Esken who designates herself a part of the Antifa.

            Luise Neuhaus-Wartenberg (Linke): Good woman!

            Albrecht Pallas (SPD): Anti-fascism is a democratic consensus!

Jürgen Kasek of the Greens was quite to the fore at the unpeaceful “Welcome to Hell” protests at the G-20 summit. He was to be seen as he screamed in the face of police in the first rank.

            Juliane Nagel (Linke): How then can that happen?

Ach, you have yourselves certainly. – Ach so, Kasek. Quite briefly: He is the former State chairman of the Greens, the attorney of which let herself be photographed with a baseball bat and then underwrote this Tweet with “anti-fascist”.

Of Justice Minister Katja Meier, who gives dubious advice to firms like Hentscke Bau so as to hold the terrorists at bay, it is for once to be quite silent.

            Rico Gebhardt (Linke): Really?

The CDU meanwhile submits itself, preferably by voting for voting’s sake; nevertheless, Herr Wöller, actions count. We know nothing other than announcements and sermons permitting new escalations. The Soko LinX [special police division] came too late, is too weakly set up and has a view constricted on Leipzig; and Herr Minister-president Kretschmer gives away, on an extremely large scale with a media hullabaloo at taxpayers’ expense, Herrnhuter Stars to the police in Leipzig-Connewitz. Instead of taking vigorous action…: Carry on, men. To the front! No rescue is near, but I have brought you a beautiful Herrnhuter Star at 117 euros 50 cents. Hang it as a sign of my solidarity, at best where the Antifa cannot make it kaputt.

Valentin Lippmann (Greens): What besides everything do you still want to forbid? And then freedom?

The leftist networkers indeed receive no visit from the Minister-president, yet they nevertheless may rejoice over the not entirely gentle gift of an additional billion euros in the coming years against the right:

            Rico Gebhardt (Linke): Exactly!

against the fascists, against the roots of fascism, against society.

– Herr Lippmann, you have snoozed; I have seen it. Provide yourself, before all the government, with a situation overview. Turn off the tap to the leftist extremists. Disconnect Indymedia. Ban the Antifa!

Many thanks.


[trans: tem]




















Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Gottfried Curio, February 12, 2021, Citizenship

German Bundestag, Plenarprotokoll 19/210, pp. 26543-26544.

Right honorable Frau President. Ladies and gentlemen.

The government for years has wanted to take from the hands of the German citizenry [Staatsvolk] the decision over who shall belong to it. In place of a consideration of naturalization [Einbürgerung] enters a broad claim to naturalization. Therefore, the conditions of such a claim are to be especially well examined and made weatherproof for the still much greater waves of migration planned for by the government. With the global migration pact, migration shall be facilitated and forced by every imaginable means. According to surveys, the takers of such a bid sit on their packed suitcases south of the Sahara in the magnitude of hundreds of millions.

            Mechthild Rawert (SPD): …

If one wants to prevent our national and social capacities being exceeded, attention from the very outset is to be paid that the petitioners have integrated economically, socially and culturally.

Yet presently anyone can also be naturalized who was convicted of a crime, or anyone who is not in a position to pay for his upkeep, when it serves the public interest or the avoidance of hardship. Thus shall hard facts, which formerly did not allow to appear advisable a naturalization  according to the law, be remitted by means of an ideological evaluation of a diffuse breadth of judgment, true to the false maxim “Citizenship leads to participation leads to integration”, when in truth the matter is just the opposite: Integration must remain a prerequisite for the achievement of citizenship. A horse cannot be bridled from behind, ladies and gentlemen.  

Now as to the claims: Presently, even he who has supported efforts against the free-democratic basic order shall have a claim to naturalization if he then simply affirms that he has turned away therefrom. Again shall hard facts be remitted by means of mere lip service. Evidently there are still not enough radical Islamists with a previously achieved German citizenship (which can then no more be cast off), whereby the present high number of those posing a threat can certainly no more be surveilled, and indeed a single person suffices for a massacre as in the Breitscheidplatz. According to a study, every second Islamist perpetrator in Germany entered the country as a refugee. The question really is, what for a problem does this legislature have when it wants to see the right of citizenship reserved for such circle of persons. Representation of the interests of German civil society appears otherwise.

Let us look further at claims prerequisites, some touching on the danger of overburdening the German social state. For economic integration, more is required than a snapshot. The self-reliant securing of livelihoods should consist of some years. At least ultimately, the whole party in the end must be paid for by someone. Or the linguistic understanding within the reception society – naturally essential – : Here already, a level should be presented that makes possible the understanding of the principal content of texts and one’s self to be understood,

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): Take yourself, for example!

so that normal conversation without great trouble is well possible,

            Timon Gremmels (SPD): You also can read no study!

thus at level B-2, and not only at B-1. It should be added: The power of political control [politische Steuerungsmacht] – Keyword: The right to vote – should be conveyed by being able to follow the political discussion in Germany.

The conditions for naturalization are perforated like a Swiss cheese with diffuse outlet clauses. The criteria of these ominous “public interests” are a presumably wide field open to any ideology. Where then stand, for example, the Union’s desired coalition partners, the Greens? A Syrian, a 2015 illegal immigrant, will be put up by them in Oberhausen as a direct candidate for the Bundestag. He thinks: With me in the Bundestag, it would no more only be said “Dem deutschen Volke”, but “Für alle Menschen in Deutschland”.

Mechthild Rawert (SPD): On that account is “Der Bevölkerung” downstairs! We have an additional artwork for that!

He himself does not have German citizenship, yet now already knows: The right to vote must be so changed as to enable all Menschen living here to vote.

            Stefan Keuter (AfD): Pfui!

He is thereby exemplary of a planned turbo-grant of citizenship and embodies a corresponding general policy of the Greens: For citizenship is what concerns the power of political control; primarily, the right to vote. This is the aim of the Union’s desired partner – not us, ladies and gentlemen.

A stable society which wants to maintain its ability to function should have regard for how develops the relation of claims recipients to the group of contributors [Leistungsträger]. In all dimensions of integration – economic, legal, linguistic, cultural – reasonable minimum standards need to remain guaranteed. Unfortunately, Germany is presently far from that. The snap right of citizenship is rather stamped with a more unrealistic, more ideological prejudice than is a more sober weighing of the matter. What we need is less a narcissistic, pretentious feel-good ethic than much more a sober responsibility ethic. What is squandered at the lowest prices gives rise to the impression: What costs nothing, is worth nothing. – Membership in the German citizenry should be of more value to us, ladies and gentlemen.


[trans: tem]