Friday, September 6, 2019

Alexander Gauland, September 4, 2019, Immigration

Alexander Gauland
AfD Kompakt, September 4, 2019

[Alexander Gauland is a national chairman of the Alternative für Deutschland as well as a chairman of the AfD delegation in the German Bundestag.]

The Greek government sends out a fatal signal by now bringing the migrants also to the mainland. It indicates to all those desiring to migrate that it again evidently pays to set out on the way with the goal of northwest Europe – particularly Germany. It now becomes evident that the much affirmed EU-Turkey deal was from the beginning a flawed construction and a pure dud of the Merkel government. After billions of tax money have been poured out to Turkey, now come the temporarily returned migrants once again to Europe.

Instead of relying on unsecured deals, the EU requires finally an authentic defense of the border in the Mediterranean as per the Australian model. Boats with migrants before entering European waters must be stopped and led back to the port of departure. That pertains to the Aegean as well as to the Mediterranean route from Libya to Italy. As long as the EU continues to renounce the defense of the external borders, so must the German policy urgently take heed of the security of the German border.

[Translated by Todd Martin]

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Andreas Kalbitz, September 4, 2019, Election in Brandenburg

Andreas Kalbitz
AfD in Brandenburg
AfD Kompakt, September 4, 2019

[Andreas Kalbitz is the Alternative für Deutschland chairman in the eastern German state of Brandenburg as well as chairman of the AfD delegation in the Brandenburg legislature. He is an army paratroop veteran. He here comments on the results of the September 1 elections.]

I am very happy with the strong delegation which can serve with political expertise and competence in the different thematic areas. The variety of occupational backgrounds of the future members of the legislature reflects what is already reflected in the election results: The AfD is long since a people’s party. A healthy mix of new and experienced members, men and women, academics, tradesmen [Arbeitern] and white-collar workers [Angestellten], represents Brandenburg society in its entire breadth.

The AfD advances with a more than doubled delegation size to the strongest opposition power and as the opposition will drive before it the state government. Who would still form this union of failures – it is now certain that there will be no “carry on” [‘Weiter-so’] for the next five years.The political pulse of our country will now be decisively set with the AfD, because the political substance of the old parties, the principal losers in the state elections, is at an end. The AfD is the only middle-class [bürgerliche] opposition in the Potsdam legislature.

[Translated by Todd Martin]

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Birgit Bessin, August 27, 2019, Family Care Funding

Birgit Bessin
Family Care Funding
AfD Kompakt, August 27, 2019

[Birgit Bessin is an Alternative für Deutschland member of the Brandenburg state legislature and an AfD assistant state party chairman. The current German family minister Franziska Giffey is a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD). Elections for the Brandenburg state legislature will be held September 1.]

The nearer the end of the election campaign, the more a deep blue mixes into the rhetorical proposals of the reds. Already in January of this year, the AfD delegation in a motion (Drucksache 6/10434) in the Brandenburg state legislature demanded the introduction of family care funding [Pflegefamiliengeldes] – this motion was defeated with the votes of Giffey’s SPD.

There is without a doubt a present necessity for family care funding. The number of those needing care in Brandenburg due to the population evolution in the past decades has in fact increased explosively and will in the coming years and decades increase still further. The need cannot be met by trained care givers alone. We therefore must value the work of caring family members and also be concerned so that this activity be socially recognized exactly like employment. Instead of just making one in a series of announcements, the SPD could long ago have addressed this question – they however do not do it.

[Translated by Todd Martin]